Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018

Jenis-Jenis Tenses

Senin, 16 Oktober 2018


Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, fakta atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.

(+) S + Verb1 (s/es) + Objek(-) S + Do / Does + not + Verb1 + Objek
(?)Do / Does + S + Verb 1 + Objek ?

ex: (+) S + TO BE/V1(s/es) + …..

Es/s she he it                   Verb1 i you they we

  • Apis plays football
  • He speaks japanese
  • She goes to office everyday
  • they study english twice a week (-s)
  S + TO BE + ….. Is she he it I=am are you they we
  • He is my brother
  • You are my parents

(-) S + DOES/DO NOT + V1 + …..

  • You don’t speak English fluently.
  • She doesn’t go to office everyday
  • My dad dont live in small town
(?)          DOES/DO + S + V1 + …..  

  • Do you speak English fluently?
  • Do we eat three times a day?

    Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang benar-bernar dilakukan saat ini.

    (+) Verbal S + is/am/are + Verb-ing     Nominal S + is/am/are  + nominal

    ex: verbal (kalimat positif )

    I'm studying right nowShe is eating her breakfastYou are working hard 


    Popi is at school nowMy Mom is in the car right now He feel sleepy

    (-) Verbal S + is/am/are + not + Verb-ing     Nominal S + is/am/are + not + nominal

    ex: verbal

    Im not studying right now she is not eating her breakfastYou're not working hard 


    Popi isn't at school nowMy Mom isn't in the car right now He doesn't feel sleepy

    (?)Verbal Is/am/are + S + Verb-ing

    Nominal Is/am/are + S + nominal
    ex: verbal
    Am I studying right now?
    Is she eating her breakdast?
    Are you working hard?

    Is Popi at school now?
    Is my Mom in the car right now?
    Does he feel sleepy?

    Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perubahan, peengalaman, situasi yang berkelanjutan atau untuk menunjukan suatu peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat (baru selesai).

    verbal positif S + HAVE/HAS + V3 + ….
    (+) they have arrived before you
    (-) they haven't arrived before you
    (?) have they arrived before you

    verbal negatif S+HAVE/HAS+NOT+V3+....

    (-) he hasn't gone
    (+) he has gone
    (?) has he gone?

    introgratif HAVE/HAS+S+V3+....
    (?) have  we arrived?
    (+) we have arrived
    (-) we haven't arrived

    nominal positif S+HAVE/HAS+BEEN+...

    (+) he has been a father
    (-) he hasn't been a father
    (?) has he been a father

    nominal negatif S+HAVE/HAS+NOT+BEEN+...

    (-) haven't  been a mother
    (+) i have been a mother
    (?) have i been a mother

    introgratif HAVE/HAS+S+BEEN+...
    (?) Have  you been a pilot
    (+) you have been a pilot
    (-) you haven't been a pilot

    Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tentang suatu kejadian yang terjadi dimasa lampau.

    verbal positif S+V(bentuk kedua)+....
    (+)my boy brought me a cake
    (-) my boyfriend didn't brought me a cake 
    (?) did my boyfriend brought me a cake

    verbal negatif S+DID+NOT+V2+....
    (-)she didn't teached in proper
    (+)she teached in proper
    (?) did the teached in proper

    introgatif DID+S+VERB2+....
    (?) did you went to the library
    (+) you went to the library
    (-) you didn't went to the library

    nominal positif S+TUBE(was,were)+...
    (+) she was a singer
    (-) she wasn't a singer
    (?) was she a singer 

    nominal negatif 
    (-) she wasn't fat
    (+) she was fat 
    (?) was she fat?

    introgatif TOBE(wa/were)+S+....
    (?)were you happy before?
    (+) you were happy before
    (-) you werent happy before 

    Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tentang suatu tindakan atau kejadian pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

    verbal S+TOBE(was,were)+(v1+ing)+......
    (+)she was sleeping yesterday 
    (-) she wasn't sleeping yesterday
    (?) was she sleeping yesterday?

    nominal S+linking Verb+.....
    (+) they were late again
    (-) they weren't late again
    (?)were they late again?

    Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tentang perbuatan/kejadian yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang

    verbal S+WILL+V1+....
    (+) He will teach you english this eve
    (-) he won't teach  you english
    (?) will teach me english

    S+BE+GOING TO+V1+.....
    (+) she's going to sleep
    (-) she isn't going to sleep
    (?) is she goint to sleep?

    nominal S+WILL+BE+NOUN/ADJ/ADV+......
    (+)you will be a pilot
    (-) you won't be a pilot
    (?) will you be pilot 

    S+BE+GOING TO+BE+noun/adj/adv+..
    (+)you're going to be a pilot 
    (-)you aren't going to be a pilot 
    (?) are you going to be pilot?

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