Selasa, 26 Maret 2019


haiii, I'm titha monita ... now listen to the song on youtube.
usually called titha, tha, bet, tut, it's up to you, of course. ha ha ha
Actually I want to tell you a little, I don't have a hobby. sometimes like to eat sometimes not, sometimes listening to songs sometimes not, sometimes like watching sometimes not.
but ... my hobby that never changes is that I really like to walk around. I don't really like the beach, I like to walk that is difficult but fun. rich climb like that. You have to struggle to get what is called beautiful, right?
tiring but fun.
I am a lazy person to meet the first person, rich just confused, so want to start a rich conversation. but if I'm sure to chat, it can't stop.
I find it difficult to meet new people, but it makes me happy. You can get to know many people directly just by the way they greet you as best you can.
ah or whatever I want to say, confused. the point is my life is not clear wkwwkkwkk
